Troy University

Troy University

Monday, August 8, 2011

Oh The Places You'll Go

Day 5: A Place You've Been

Well I've been to several cool places but the coolest place I've been was the trip my church took to Colorado. We drove from Loganville, Georgia to Grand Junction, Colorado in 3 days and it was a very interesting bus ride. Here are some pictures from that trip. :)

We stopped in St. Louis (Isn't it purty??) 

The group we went with :) I loved my youth group!

Another picture of the St. Louis Arch

The view from the arch!

Pretty mountains in Colorado

This is what makes the trip even more interesting...about a day into the trip, the air conditioner went out completely! SOoo this is how we fixed this problem...
All you have to do is tie a few simple knots and you can hang a box fan from the front of a bus. :)

While this trip was almost 5 years ago now, it was a very fun trip and there are so many memories from this adventure. I really hope that in my life I get to travel a lot and see lots of places. The one place I realllllly want to travel to is Germany! See isn't it beautiful???

This is Köln and isn't it beautiful!!! I want to go visit there so badly! I mean I think I should put the four years of German I will have taken to some use in my life ;)


Saturday, August 6, 2011

I won't say I'm in Love

Day 4: Your perfect date.

Hmmm..being the girly girl I am I have actually thought this one through :) So...

1. Guy would show up and pick me up, from where ever I am at, school, home ect
2. We would go to maybe dinner or somewhere and eat (if he can cook, even better)
3. Just chill together for a while and talk about the random things we think of
4. Finally go to a place with some sort of water and watch the sunset together :)

Yes, I know I am uber cheesy but I think things like that that are simply but fun are the best. And if a guy can make me laugh then I know I will be okay.

Anyway, so today was my "going away party" with my family and a few close friends and I must say I am going to miss everyone so much! But I can't wait to get to Troy to start everything there and meet people. And I am super excited to get to go to the beach sometime! People, you have no idea how exciting this is for me. I haven't been to the beach in over 7 years!!! So being only TWO hours away from the beach makes this so much more exciting! To show how much I have changed from the last time I went to the beach here's a picture of me then.

 and a much more recent picture of my family :)

Alright well, bed time for me, church in the morning for one last Sunday at Victory :( but super excited for the adventure to really start.


Friday, August 5, 2011

We Go Together Like Rama Lama Lama

Day 3: A picture of you and your friends

These are my two best friends! Aaron Lapniewski and Karissa Martin! They are the best people ever. No matter whats going on we can tell each other everything. I have known each of them since elementary school and they are the two people who are going to be my friends for life.

This is Aaron. He is my "unoffical big brother who's younger than me!" He literally is someone who I can tell everything and he will listen and tell me the truth. He is actually my ex-boyfriend but that was so 9th grade haha. No, we dated for about a year and half but now we're cool as just being best friends. He treats me with like I'm his little sister, which is okay because I always wanted a big brother so now I have one.

KARI!! haha This is my unbiological sister! We have been best friends since middle school and even when she moved to Tennessee for a year we still stayed close. We are so similar but still so different that we have awesome adventures together, including frozen yogurt and stake 'n' shake trips. Its fun to scare our other friends (mainly Aaron) with our obnoxious singing to musicals and being strange.

AND....Karissa and I have started a small business called "Pearl's Friendship Bracelets" to try to raise money for Breast Cancer Research. There are all sorts of patterns (all made by Karissa) for sale and all the profit goes to help raise awareness and do our part. We are also on Facebook so go find us. Here I made it easy! Facebook for Pearl's Friendship Bracelet. So please go look at it and spread the word!

Thursday, August 4, 2011

What is in a Name?

Day 2: The meaning behind your blog name

Well that is an easy one! This blog is designed to keep track of my days in college. The good, the bad and the fun! And I'm going to Troy University so it's not like I would name it "College Days @ UGA or GT or something like that"

But it is sorta strange to think about the fact that Troy is literally only a couple days away from being my new home. I actually move out on Monday, so I have about 3 days left at home. And in that time I have so much left to do. I have to clean my room, that's always a daunting task, finish packing, I will need a bigger closet, and buy a few more things. Hopefully I will get it all done before I leave for band camp! This summer has completely flown by and it is hard to believe that it is practically over. But I couldn't be more excited to get started on the great adventure called college. So many people to meet and things to do, it will be one exciting ride!


Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Lets Start at the Beginning

This is me and Marissa :) she is the my pastor's middle daughter and basically my little sister. She looks a lot like me (if you didn't notice) and she acts a lot like me. I'm going to miss her so much when I am off at college. But thank goodness for skype so I can see her and the rest of her family (who I love too). 

Anyway, so how my day was today, well yesterday since its only 12:30 in the morning so I haven't done anything today. Well I went with my little brother, who is actually related to me, and we went and visited our dad at his job. This was a lot of fun because I leave in four days to go off to school, four hours away. After that, I chilled at home with Tyler and then went to church. Then our pastors wife treated me to ice cream from Brusters with her kids, she has 6, and we hung out. It meant a lot to be able to because they are all so important to me. There was Mrs. Michelle, Cole, Hunter, Malia, Marissa, Marianna, and Drake and of course myself at Brusters just hanging out and having fun. The oldest, Cole, is almost 13 and the youngest, Drake, is only 2!

So I decided to do 15 random facts about myself so you can start to get to know me a little better...

1. My name is Felecia Elizabeth.
2. I am the oldest child in my family and I am going away to Troy University next week.
3. I play four instruments, piano, flute, piccolo, and oboe.
4. I am going to march in the Sound of the South (SOTS) Marching Band at Troy and I am super excited because I love marching band and everything about it.
5.  I have a little brother named Tyler and a dog named Dixie.
6. I am majoring in Broadcast Journalism and getting a music minor. 
7. My dream is to do entertainment news and be on something like Entertainment Tonight or E! or any show like that. 
8. Eventually my biggest goal is to interview people on the red carpet at award shows.
9. I do want to get married relatively early and have kids young. I want 3 kids, two boys and a girl, in this order; a boy and then twins, a boy and girl. Now the chances of that happening are not very high I know, but a girl can dream right??
10. My best friends are Karissa Martin and Aaron Lapniewski. Karissa is my best friend but more like my sister but God knew our parents couldn't handle us as real sisters. And Aaron is my "unofficial big brother (who's younger than me)". He is actually my ex-boyfriend but he treats me like I'm his little sister. Which is good because I know I can always count on him.
11. My favorite colors are pink and purple. Mainly pink. I am even doing my dorm room in pink and zebra!! 
12. I love to look at quotes. 
13. StumbleUpon is my addiction, along with Twitter and Facebook. Oh and texting. I mean my phone is never far from me!
14. I love little kids. I help in nursery at church a lot and love the 2 year olds because they are old enough to play with but still cute!
15. I love to take pictures! I even have a website! Go check it out!! Bless This Heart 

Okay, I think that is enough for one night. Tomorrow, well today, is going to be a busy day. Going to see teachers at my alumni, crazy to say that, and with my little brother. And then I get to go to work. So good night! :) 


First Time for Everything

So it is officially August 4th, 2011! Can't believe that it is already so late in the year! Anywho, I am going to try to blog about college and my life in general. I don't know how often I will post but I am going to try to do this! To get me started I am going to do a "30 Day Challenge". Here's the list of days. 

Day 01- A recent picture of you and 15 interesting facts about yourself
Day 02- The meaning behind your Tumblr name
Day 03- A picture of you and your friends
Day 04- Your Perfect Date 
Day 05- A picture of somewhere you’ve been to 
Day 06- Favorite super hero and why 
Day 07- A picture of someone/something that has the biggest impact on you 
Day 08- Short term goals for this month and why 
Day 09- Something you’re proud of in the past few days 
Day 10- Songs you listen to when you are Happy, Sad, Bored, Hyped, Mad 
Day 11- Another picture of you and your friends 
Day 12- Your favorite award you have won.
Day 13- A letter to someone who has hurt you recently 
Day 14- A picture of you and your family 
Day 15- Put your iPod on shuffle: First 10 songs that play 
Day 16- Another picture of yourself 
Day 17- Someone you would want to switch lives with for one day and why 
Day 18- Plans/dreams/goals you have 
Day 19- Nicknames you have; why do you have them 
Day 20- Someone you see yourself marrying/ being with in the future 
Day 21- A picture of something that makes you happy 
Day 22- What makes you different from everyone else 
Day 23- Something you crave for a lot 
Day 24- A letter to your parents 
Day 25- What I would find in your bag 
Day 26- What you think about your friends 
Day 27- Why are you doing this 30 day challenge 
Day 28- A picture of you last year and now, how have you changed since then? 
Day 29- In this past month, what have you learned 
Day 30- Who are you?

So I'm going to start Day 1 in a separate post so this one wont be super long :)